What would the world be like without tape? Probably a lot of open boxes and loose articles, but that’s neither here nor there. Tape isn’t just one of the essential packaging materials, it’s also one of the most important and versatile tools you can keep around. Boxes and cartons sealed with packing tape will keep the contents held securely inside and protect them from damage and the elements. If you’ve ever wondered what the big deal with tape is, here’s a list of some of tape’s biggest benefits.


Tape Has Staying Power


By saying tape has staying power, we mean it’s been around for over 175 years since the invention of the pressure-sensitive adhesive. Ever since the surgeon Dr. Horace Day applied a crude rubber adhesive to strips of fabric back in 1845, tape has been a mainstay in countless homes and industries throughout the world, including the health industry, manufacturing, crafting, and packaging.

For a more in-depth history lesson on tape, take a look at this article from Adhesives & Sealants Industry.


Tape Provides Strength


Packing tape boosts your packaging’s tensile strength, or the amount of pressure the tape can withstand before it breaks. Standard packing tape has a tensile strength of around 20 pounds, which is likely all you need for your average shipment. At the same time, some tapes like kraft and filament feature fiberglass stranding woven into the material. These fiberglass strands significantly enhance the tape’s strength, offering up to 170 pounds of tensile strength.


Packaging Tape


Tape Provides Safety


Tape does more than just keep your boxes sealed. It also keeps your boxes from popping open and protects them from damage and mishandling. While packing tape keeps your cartons sealed, strapping tape bundles your boxes, holding them all together as a single, stabilized unit. In this way, packing tape secures the individual box while strapping tape secures the entire pallet. Strapping and packing tape work together to keep your goods and materials snug and secure in their packaging, further preventing damage and instability.


Tape Provides Security


Are you worried about thieves? While tape can’t take the place of a security guard, it can help keep thieves out, or at least show evidence that they were there. Water-activated tape, for instance, features a powerful adhesive that penetrates the fibers of a cardboard box. Thieves and vandals cannot remove this tape without damaging the tape and/or the box underneath. If you’re looking for a robust tape that keeps theft at bay, water-activated tape is the choice for you.


Tape Can Aid in Your Branding


While it’s perfectly fine to invest in typically-colored packing tapes—you can’t go wrong with the business-like colors of brown or tan—adding a touch of color or tapes printed with your logo on them goes a long way with customers. It makes your packaging memorable, thus making you memorable. Never miss an opportunity to remind a customer where their package came from!


Tape Can Help You Save


When it comes to tape, less is more. Many people make a common mistake by applying too much. Instead of using excess amounts of tape, invest in high-strength tape. Then, apply your tape in an H-shape so that the tape covers all the seals on the top and bottom of the box. You’ll be surprised by the level of security a simple H-shape taping can provide. By using tape smartly and minimally, you’ll be saving hundreds to thousands of dollars in packaging costs.


H-Shape Tape


Tape Protects Against the Elements


Expect no mercy from Mother Nature. While cardboard boxes are remarkably strong, they’re not indestructible; all it takes is a nasty rainstorm, high winds, or a large change in temperature to weaken the material. Therefore, give your packaging an extra level of weatherproofing with tape. Choose a water-activated tape or packing tape with a rubber-based adhesive to ensure those packages stay sealed, even if the heavens rain down!

To learn more about the differences between water-activated tape and pressure-sensitive tape, be sure to check out our article comparing them side-by-side and covering their best uses.


Tape Helps Your Packages Soar


Great tape isn’t just for the benefit of you and your customers; it’s also critical for everyone involved in the shipping and handling of your goods. Improperly sealed or damaged packages create delays, drive up costs, and foster dissatisfaction. Your customers won’t be happy because they have to wait longer for their orders and the postal service won’t be happy because their operations get backed up from having to deal with your mistakes. While labels give your shipments a destination, tape ensures that they can make it there.


Why Tape is So Important in Packaging and Shipping